Tag: publication
“Low Sun” and “Hot Day” published
I am happy to report on the publication of “Low Sun” and “Hot Day” in the The Globe Review.
“Poem On A Hummingbird Sage” Published
I’m happy to announce the publication of my nature poem, “Poem On A Hummingbird Sage” in Propagate: Fruits from the Garden, published by Dionysian Public Library. Printed by Dionysian Public Library in partnership with Western Michigan University’s Office for Sustainability, Propagate: Fruits from the Garden features poetry, nonfiction, and other work exploring ecological themes and…
“Joy Beyond The Surmount” Published
I’m happy to announce the publication of “Joy Beyond The Surmount” in re•mediate lit mag’s inaugural issue, August 3rd. 2024. Calling itself a “critical literary magazine of computer-assisted writing,” the magazine stands out by requiring that all writing submissions be created using computer assistance, admirably going against the grain of most every other journal in…
“Passionate Soldier’s Story” Published
I’m happy to announce the publication of my war poem, “Passionate Soldier’s Story” in Disturb The Universe Magazine, June 28th, 2024. The poem is the story of a soldier and the “All of the people/ He left behind/ Or who stayed of their own volition.” According to their website, “Disturb the Universe aims to share…
“Hot Day” published
I’m happy to announce the publication of my eco-disaster poem, “Hot Day,” in Disturb The Universe Magazine, April 23, 2024.